A Midwestern Independent Games Showcase
Some attendees gather around the Moon Fields tournament
Building A strong connection
Indie Arcade was my attempt at creating a platform for local game developers to interface with the general public and get feedback on their games. I wanted to have an event where people can put a face to the work on their computer screens and ask questions about the development process. Building a connection with an audience is a large part of developing successful game, so I tried to make it one step easier in creating that bond.
Tumbleseed developer Benedict Fritz explains his game
Local Support for Local Developers
Every consideration is made to curate games from the Madison-area, with all games coming from the Midwest. With plenty of game events hosted on each coast, the platform Indie Arcade provides tries to showcase local developers first and foremost.
A group of attendees gather around Take-Out Takeout
Games From All Skill Levels
Options are provided for developers of all skill levels to have a shot at presenting their games at the event. Submissions are accepted before the event based on quality and merit, while the Indie Arcade Jam allows for fledgling developers to submit their work regardless of production quality or team size.