Our submission for Wizard Jam 5. Development of this game took place over two weeks from June 2nd - June 18th in our spare time outside of work. The jam constraints are minimal, requiring at the bare minimum the game be based on the title of one of the Idle Thumbs Podcast episodes. We chose the title "I'll Kill the Last Alien" with the goal to make a game that wasn't about just *killing aliens*.
Our game is a local multiplayer party game where players take the role of aliens fighting over the last few alien mochi on a plate. Players share a keyboard to simulate the feeling of all reaching over a plate at the same time, and earn points for beating other players to the food.
Specifically, I really focused on keeping my Unity scripts clean and concise while making this game. I also dived into state systems based on Reflection in C# and developing a robust event management system. I wanted to push my knowledge of Unity beyond what I was comfortable with to create a self-lead "crash course" by the end of the two weeks. I'm very proud of what we managed to achieve in such a short window of time.
The Adventures of Hoverslug is a game I created with Patric Harmon over the course of a month at the tail end of my Senior year. We wanted to create something with a high level of polish for the end of the year Manifest student festival in Chicago IL that people could enjoy as they passed through our class booths. The focus was on simple move-based puzzles with hidden features galore, making sure each feature was utilized in more than one way throughout the game.
You can find the source code here, or download a windows build on itch.io here.
A quick game jam that James and I did while waiting for the Vive to ship so we could work on VR projects. In KaijuDS, two players attempt to become soulmates by dating each other. Since the Kaijus don't speak the same language, players must communicate with emotes instead. At the end of the game, the players are given a relationship rating that tells them how compatible they are.
The code for the game, including an .apk file for android phones can be found here. If you'd prefer to skip the code and jump straight to the game, you can point your browser to the itch.io link
I created this demo during my Junior Year at Columbia College in an Independent Study I developed alongside Professor Luis Nasser. The idea was to go outside of the traditional curriculum taught at our college and apply it directly to the code. I used this project to learn more about basic physical interactions between objects and develop good coding practices. One specific practice was the implementation of templates for object creation and a manager to handle them, allowing for new shapes to be added with ease later on.
The code can be seen here.